
“Out in the country, away from the lights and traffic and the press of people, the night is alive with mystery. The stars are pinpricks of light in a black curtain. The air is soft and sweet with the scent of wildflowers and new-mown hay. And in the grass, the insects sing their own symphonies. The crickets chirp a steady rhythm, like a heartbeat. The grasshoppers add their high-pitched trills. And the fireflies flit about like tiny fairies, their lights blinking on and off in a magical dance. It is a world untouched by the chaos of human life, a world where nature reigns supreme.”

“In the heart of the ancient forest, where sunlight barely pierced through the dense canopy, a hidden world thrived. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, a testament to the cycle of life and death that played out in this secluded paradise. Among the towering trees and tangled underbrush, insects reigned supreme, their tiny bodies harboring an intricate web of survival strategies.”



“In the heart of nature’s embrace, where shadows softly weave,

A world of wonder unfolds,in tranquility’s reprieve.

The trees stand tall and proud, their whispers in the breeze, A symphony of life, in nature’s gentle ease.

——《Songs of Nature》John Keats

在大自然的怀抱中,影子轻轻交织, 一个奇妙的世界展开,在宁静的庇护下。 树木高耸而自豪,它们的低语在微风中, 一曲生命的交响乐,在大自然的温柔中流淌。
